Loymax BI

Loymax BI is a module that enables to make business analysis of information about customers and sales, and make the right business decisions.

The methods of Business Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning are used within the Loymax BI module. These methods enables to determine typical patterns of purchases and customer behavior, generate relevant offers for various segments, build a sales funnel, increase conversion and much more.

Loymax BI has more than 40 pre-configured analytic reports in its arsenal. The tool also allows the user to generate individual reports. Own methods have been developed and various types of classical customer segmentation have been introduced, including BCG, RFM analysis, binary segmentation, price sensitivity segmentation, etc. ABCXYZ is available in the Loymax platform, it is product analysis and predictive analytics of customer behavior.

In fact, Loymax BI is a tool that enables to quickly obtain objective information about the state of the business and implement the tasks of developing a customer asset of the company.

Features of Loymax BI:

  • Instant access to original data
  • Interactive report designer
  • Interactive dashboards/Control dashboards
  • Excel-based pre-configured analytic reports in blocks
  • Customer segmentation by any parameters and segment management
  • KPI of loyalty programs