Loymax, 2025

Wiki source code of Loymax CRM

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2 Loymax CRM is an own CRM system developed by Loymax based on customer segmentation methods.
4 Loymax CRM enables to create a complete profile of the customer, his consumer basket and purchasing power.
6 To form a customer base, various sources of customer data are used:
8 * [[Call Center>>doc:Main.General_information.Additional_services.Contact_center.WebHome]]
9 * [[Personal Account on website>>doc:Main.General_information.Additional_services.Personal_account.WebHome]]
10 * [[Mobile Application>>doc:Main.General_information.Additional_services.Mobile_application.WebHome]]
11 * [[Chatbot>>doc:Sandbox.Deleted_pages.(Не используется) Чат-бот.WebHome]]
12 * Cash register
14 Single customer base is replenished throughout the entire [[lifetime of the customer>>doc:Main.General_information.CRM.Member_lifecycle.WebHome]] and contains the following data:
16 * **Personal details** - the personal data of the customer is filled in the Personal Account by the customer or the Call Center agent during registration. In the system, it is possible to create an [[application form>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.Admin_panel.Questionnaire_designer.WebHome]] of any complexity with any set of questions, according to the needs of the business.
17 * **Contacts **- confirmed phone number, email, messenger, accounts on [[social networks>>doc:Main.General_information.Additional_services.Social_networks1.WebHome]]. This information is also used for [[customer identification>>doc:Main.Integration.Cash_register_integration.Integration_methods.Exchange_protocol_with_cash_register.Typical_operations.Client_identification_on_cash_register.WebHome]] in the Loyalty Program.
18 * **Subscriptions and message history** - [[methods of sending messages>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.Configurations.Subscription_types.WebHome]] through various communication channels to which the customer has consented or unsubscribed, as well as the messages themselves with the date of sending and delivery status.
19 * **Cards and accounts. **Card is a physical or virtual customer identifier that has a category, type, number and state. The system stores the history of replacing cards, as well as information about cards in a group. Account is a virtual bonus account containing an activated (available for payment) and non-activated balance in a certain currency (bonus points, stars, etc.). The information about the accounts contains details on the time periods of the number of bonus points to be activated or expired. One card can contain [[several accounts>>doc:Main.General_information.Loymax_Loyalty.Multiscount.WebHome]], and an account can be linked to several cards, including several customers (when merging cards).
20 * **Purchase history** - information about all customer purchases, including unfinished and canceled operations on all cards, with the possibility of detailing to a triggered offer for each cheque position and search by date, POS, cheque number or card number.
21 * **User history** - information on confirmed transactions conducted on customer cards - accrual and deduction of bonus points for purchases, discounts, as well as additional accruals/deductions (for example, for activity in the loyalty program).
22 * **Audit **- information about the customer’s actions in the Personal Account (changing personal details, contacts, subscriptions, activity on social networks, inviting friends).
23 * **Support service **- the history of the [[exchange of messages>>doc:Main.Using.Feedback.WebHome]] between the customer and the Call Center agents.
24 * **Promotional content **- offers [[configured in the MMP>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.Communications.Promotion_materials.WebHome]] and displayed to the customer in his/her Personal Account of the LP (on the site, in the Mobile Application, in the Chatbot).
25 * **Favorite Products** - [[personal products>>doc:Main.General_information.Loymax_Loyalty.Offers.Individual_offers_in_LP.Favorite_goods_offer.WebHome]] for which the customer can receive increased preferences.
26 * **Coupons **- [[coupons>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.Marketing.Coupons.WebHome]] issued to the customer on offers and redeemed upon purchases.
27 * **Statuses **- the current level of the customer in the used [[status systems>>doc:Main.General_information.Loymax_Loyalty.Status_system.WebHome]].
29 //Some of this information is stored in the [[customer attributes>>path:/xwiki/bin/get/Main/General_information/CRM/?sheet=CKEditor.ResourceDispatcher&outputSyntax=plain&language=ru&type=doc&reference=.Client_attributes.WebHome&typed=true]]. Based on the values of these attributes, there is interaction with customers through the Loyalty Program.//
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33 **Read also:**
35 * [[Customer Lifesycle>>doc:Main.General_information.CRM.Member_lifecycle.WebHome]]
36 * [[CRM Features in MMP>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.CRM.WebHome]]
37 )))

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