Loymax, 2025

Loymax Smart Communications

Loymax Smart Communications is a module for automating communications with LP Members 

The module allows to automate communications in a large customer base (from tens of thousands to tens of millions of customers). By building detailed profiles of LP Members, the module can segment the customer database based on any data and properties of LP Members. As a result, the profile data of a particular LP Member, as well as data on their purchases, website behavior, search for specific products, etc. can be used for communication with the LP Member. In such scenarios, the mailing messages are personalized, spark real interest of the LP Members and encourage them to take active actions in the Loyalty Program.

Robust communication system makes it easier to keep track of and maintain the loyalty of Members, leading to an increased chance of repeat sales.

Work with the customer base and generation of Member profiles

The Loymax Smart Communications module enables to create a structured base through the comprehensive formation of profiles of Members based on their personal data and various data about their actions in the system.

Each LP Member profile is formed according to certain rules and standards set in the system, and contains the maximum known information about the Member:

  • personal information based on the application form (gender, age, date of birth, address, preferred product categories, presence of children, pets, etc.)
  • data about purchases, transactions;
  • LP Member events (information about actions in the LP);
  • history of messages on various communications channels;
  • history of visits to the site by the LP Member;
  • and other information.

The quality of data in the profiles of the LP Members is automatically improved:

  • phone numbers and addresses are brought to a single format;
  • timezones and operators are determined by phone number and address.

Thus, structured profiles of Members with the presence of various information in them help to create segments of Members based on different data and for different communication purposes.


Segmentation of Members

User segments

The system has the features to form user segments of the Members based on any data about them, for example: 

  • according to the interests of the Members based on visits to the site;
  • according to the history of communication with the Member and Member's reaction to it;
  • according to the actions of the Members in the system;
  • according to the number of bonus points of the Member.


RFM segmentation

Also, the system has a pre-configured RFM segmentation of Members (segmentation by recency, frequency, and monetary value of Members' purchases).

Using RFM segmentation it is possible, for example, to analyze segments of Members by the indicator of recency and frequency of orders (RF). Having saved in a separate segment the Members who have not made purchases in the Partner's retail network for a long time ("Lost"), you can create a special offer for them and a mailing with information about it. Also, the segment of "Lost" customers can be asked about the reasons for refusing purchases in this retail network.


Creation of mailings

Loymax Smart Communications mailings are created for specific segments of Members. Each mailing has its own goals and performance indicators.

A special visual editor is used when creating mailing messages. It enables you to use message templates, macros that allow you to personalize messages (for example, using the name of a specific Member in each message).

When creating mailing list messages, it is possible to see how the message will look on different devices.

Communication chains

The system allows you to create and launch chains of communications, and then analyze their effectiveness. Chains of communications allow you to build interaction with the Members in accordance with the chosen strategy.

Chains of communications are created in a special visual editor.

Chains of communications are activated by activation of triggers - various events and actions of the Member in the system. Triggers include:

  • buying a specific product;
  • the Member's visit to the site;
  • the Member's visit to certain sections of the site;
  • viewing the product on the site;
  • order cancellation;
  • abandoned shopping cart (the Member added an item to the cart and did not pay for it);
  • and other events in the system.

The types of chains of communications can be various depending on which segment they are directed to. For example, for new Members, you can launch a chain of welcome emails to introduce Members to the Loyalty Program and the specifics of participating in it.


Campaign recipes

The System provides an opportunity to get acquainted with recipes for campaigns - cases and the chains of communications created within their framework. Ready-made chains of communications can be used in work.

Analytics and performance analysis

The system has many options for viewing analytics both by the customer base and by communications with the Member.

One of the examples of presenting analytical information by segments of Members is RFM segmentation.

Statistics can be tracked at different levels of the platform. For example, you can view changes in the average cheque amount for a specific User segment.

As for mailings, for each campaign you can see statistics by the quantity:

  • sent messages;
  • delivered messages;
  • open messages;
  • following a link from a message;
  • orders after clicking on the link from the message;
  • complaints about the received message;
  • unsubscribed from the mailings of the Members after receiving this message.

When creating a campaign, it is possible to set an attribution period for it to indicate the effectiveness of the campaign. The attribution period indicates the time during which, after receiving the message, the Member must make a purchase for the mailing to be considered effective.


Version history