Loymax, 2025

Integration levels of cash register software

Depending on business tasks, a different level of integration of cash register software with Loymax processing is required.

  • The minimum level implies the presence of the minimum necessary set of functionality for working with Loymax processing. For example, the ability to read the barcode of a card to identify a customer, send processing requests to get a card balance, calculate discounts, print messages received from processing on a cheque and cash register screen, and use an electronic digital signature.
  • The middle level includes more ways to identify the customer at the cash register, identification and printing of coupons in the form of barcodes, the ability to work offline.
  • The maximum level covers all the features implemented on the processing side. For example, registration, card issuance and redemption of an online order at the cash register.

See also the List of pre-made cash register integration

FunctionalityIntegration level
Minimum MiddleMaximum
Customer identification by barcode of the loyalty program card07.png07.png07.png
Customer identification by magnetic strip of the loyalty program card 07.png07.png
Customer identification by phone number 07.png07.png
Customer identification by QR code  07.png
Customer identification by mask  07.png
Ability to process cheques without a loyalty program card 07.png07.png
Coupon identification by barcode 07.png07.png
Coupon identification by magnetic stripe  07.png
Coupon identification by QR code  07.png
Use of a coupon with a loyalty program card 07.png07.png
Barcode coupon printing 07.png07.png
Printing coupons as a QR code  07.png
Identification of products at the cash register by product code/barcode07.png07.png07.png
Identification of indicator of a product participation in an offer and transfer as an attribute to processing  07.png07.png
Identification of the lowest possible price of products and transfer to processing 07.png07.png
Checking the balance of the bonus card07.png07.png07.png
Checking the acceptable amount of payment07.png07.png07.png
Transfer of locally applied discounts to the processing 07.png07.png
Direct discounts07.png07.png07.png
Return of products through processing07.png07.png07.png
Message to the cash register (discount, payment, bonus points, balance)07.png07.png07.png
Message on cheque (discount, payment, bonus points, balance)07.png07.png07.png
Formation of a slip at the cash register/server07.png07.png07.png
Offline mode 07.png07.png
Work with E-com. Redemption of an order at the cash register  07.png
Selecting favorite products at the cash register  07.png
Registration at cash register  07.png
Card issue  07.png
Card replacement  07.png


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