Loymax, 2025

Useful links

Integration of cash register

Here you will find a list of functions supported by the integration of some cash register SW with our system.

Please note that some scripts have not been tested in a production environment. If they are used, it is necessary to pay special attention to testing them.

SMS gateway

We support the API of the following providers: SMSTraffic, SMSC.ru, Svyaznoy-zagruzka, Devino Telecom, GoldenTelecom, IntellTelecom, МТС, IqSMS.

Most often, our customers use Devino Telecom and SMS Traffic.

Please note that integration with Devino is performed according to the standard scheme, not Devino online.

Mobile App integration

Registration in the Loyalty Program

Public API methods for registering new customers by card number or by phone number.

Sending push notifications

An example of integrating a Mobile application for the correct sending a push notifications.

Uploading product catalog

It is necessary to implement regular uploading of the current product catalog to the Loymax system in accordance with the upload protocol.

Uploading data about LP Members

We recommend forming data about your existing registered customers according to upload protocol to avoid errors and data loss.

Uploading historical data

To build analytical reports, it needs to load historical data into DWH in a specific format.


Version history