Loymax, 2025

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Не удалять пока TASK 222130 1.1 1 (% class="lead" %)
Александр Залогов 81.1 2 Loymax Smart Communications module allows you to automate not only communications with customers, but also to charge them bonuses as part of campaigns.
Не удалять пока TASK 222130 1.1 3
Арман Бояхчян 65.2 4 (% class="wikigeneratedid" %)
Александр Залогов 81.1 5 By combining different segments and campaigns, you can award bonuses to customers from different categories based on certain customer data (for example, for their in-app activity, for purchases, on a specific date, etc.).
Арман Бояхчян 30.1 6
Арман Бояхчян 65.2 7 (% class="wikigeneratedid" id="H42043543744343B44C442430442" %)
Александр Залогов 81.1 8 Let's consider automation of bonus sending using birthday bonuses as an example for those customers who registered in Loyalty Program (LP) more than a year ago.
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 9
Александр Залогов 81.1 10 To credit bonuses through the Loymax Smart Communications module, follow these steps:
Арман Бояхчян 46.1 11
Александр Залогов 81.1 12 1. [[Create Custom Segment>>doc:||anchor="01"]]** **(for details on creating segments, see [[article>>doc:Sandbox.User_Segments.WebHome]]);
13 1. [[Create Campaign>>doc:||anchor="02"]] (for details on creating campaigns, see [[article>>doc:Main.Using.Smart_Communications.Campaign_list.Campaigns_Creation.WebHome]]).
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 14
Александр Залогов 81.1 15 As a result of the campaign, all customers from the created segment will receive bonuses on their birthday.
Арман Бояхчян 65.2 16
Александр Залогов 81.1 17 = {{id name="01"/}}Create user segment =
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 18
Александр Залогов 81.1 19 In order to credit bonuses through the Loymax Smart Communications module, you must first of all form a segment of customers who registered in PL more than a year ago. To do this you should:
Арман Бояхчян 65.2 20
Александр Залогов 81.1 21 1. In Loymax Smart Communications, go to **Customers > User Segments**.
22 1. Press the **Create Segment** button.
23 1. Select a filter: **Days since registration**, condition: **more or equal**.
24 1. Set the value in the empty field: **365**.
25 1. Press the **Select** button. As a result, all clients who registered in the System more than a year ago will appear.
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 26
Арман Бояхчян 35.1 27 |(% style="border-color:#ffffff; text-align:center" %){{lightbox image="clients_registrating.png" width="700"/}}
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 28
Александр Залогов 81.1 29 6. Specify the name of the segment.
Арман Бояхчян 32.1 30
Арман Бояхчян 35.1 31 (% style="text-align:center" %)
Арман Бояхчян 73.1 32 [[image:segments_name.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
Арман Бояхчян 35.1 33
Александр Залогов 81.1 34 7. Click the **Save Changes** button.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 35
Александр Залогов 81.1 36 = {{id name="02"/}}Campaign creation =
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 37
Александр Залогов 81.1 38 After the necessary segment is created, you should create a campaign that will track the clients' birthday and the subsequent charge of bonuses. This requires:
Арман Бояхчян 65.2 39
Александр Залогов 81.1 40 1. In the Loymax Smart Communications module, go to **Companies**.
41 1. Click **Create New Campaign**.
42 1. Fill in the campaign name [[image:1.png]] (see image below).
43 1. Left-click the trigger button twice [[image:4.png]].
44 1. Set the following values in the fields:
45 1*. **Trigger **- A date for the client;
46 1*. **Field**,** containing date** - Date of birth.
47 1. Press **OK**.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 48
Арман Бояхчян 42.1 49 (% style="text-align:center" %)
Арман Бояхчян 73.1 50 [[image:trigger_birthday.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 51
Александр Залогов 81.1 52 7. Drag and drop action **Bonus points accrual** [[image:6.png]] from**Actions** [[image:2_.png]] column to working field [[image:3.png]].
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 53
Александр Залогов 81.1 54 8. In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
Арман Бояхчян 42.1 55
Александр Залогов 81.1 56 * **Number** of bonuses, which will be added to the client.
57 * **Actuality** is the lifetime of the bonuses.
58 * **legal entity**, from whose account the bonuses will be credited.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 59
Александр Залогов 81.1 60 (% style="text-align:center" %)
61 [[image:action_bonuses.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 62
Александр Залогов 81.1 63 9. Press **OK**.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 64
Александр Залогов 81.1 65 10. Left-click and drag from the **Actions ** column to the **Select Clients from Segment** [[image:5.png]] working field.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 66
Александр Залогов 81.1 67 ~11. In the window that opens, select the desired segment, such as the one you created during the user segment creation phase, and press **OK**.
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 68
Арман Бояхчян 42.1 69 (% style="text-align:center" %)
Арман Бояхчян 73.1 70 [[image:action_segment.png||data-xwiki-image-style-alignment="center"]]
Арман Бояхчян 37.2 71
Александр Залогов 81.1 72 12. Connect the lines (see figure below) between the trigger and the actions.
Арман Бояхчян 42.1 73
Арман Бояхчян 51.1 74 |(% style="border-color:#ffffff; text-align:center" %){{lightbox image="bonus.png" width="900"/}}
Арман Бояхчян 42.1 75
Александр Залогов 81.1 76 13. 13. Click the **Save** button.
Арман Бояхчян 45.1 77
Александр Залогов 81.1 78 The campaign will result in bonuses for each customer in the segment on his or her birthday. Clients will automatically be included in the segment after one year from the date of enrollment in PL.
Арман Бояхчян 45.1 79
Александр Залогов 81.1 80 You can know about the fact that the client has been awarded bonuses from the [[**Activity**>>https://docs.loymaxsc.net/features/profil-klienta#aktivnost]] section in the client profile of the Loymax Smart Communications module. Accrued bonuses will be displayed in **[[Detailed balance>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.CRM.Clients.Customer_profile.Detailed_balance.WebHome]]** in the client card.

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