Loymax, 2025

Wiki source code of Social_networks

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1 (% class="lead" %)
2 Loymax system is integrated with the most popular social networks
4 (% style="width:auto" %)
5 |[[image:Вконтакте.png||height="30" style="float:right" width="30"]]|(% class="lead" %)VKontakte|(% class="lead" %) |(% class="lead" %)[[image:Одноклассники.png||height="30" style="float:right" width="30"]]|(% class="lead" %)Odnoklassniki
7 The system records the following events related to the social networks:
9 (% class="table-bordered" style="width:auto" %)
10 (% class="info" %)|**Event**|**Description**
11 |**Linking profile of social networks**|The event occurs when the Member links a social network profile in the Personal Account. This will allow him/her to log in to the system in the future using the credentials of the linked social network, as well as participate in various marketing campaigns aimed at social networks.
12 |**Joining a group**|The event occurs when the Member joins a social network group
13 |**Leaving the group**|The event occurs when the Member leaves a social network group
14 |**Activity in social networks**|The event occurs when the Member puts a "Like" to posts in a social network group, leaves comments, or makes posts (activity tracking objects are configured in the offer). For this event to happen, the customer should link social networks to his/her account in the Personal Account of the LP.
15 |**Remove activity in social networks**|The event is triggered when the Member cancels "Likes" marks, comments or reposts on his/her page. For this event to be registered, the customer's Personal Account must have social networks linked.
17 (% class="lead" %)
18 You can also register in the Loyalty Program using any of the listed social networks.
20 |(((
21 (% class="table-bordered" %)
22 (% class="info" %)|**Activity/Social network**|**[[image:Вконтакте.png||height="30" width="30"]]**|**[[image:Одноклассники.png||height="30" width="30"]]**
23 |**"Like" mark**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**
24 |**Repost**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**|(% style="text-align:center" %)
25 |**Comment**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**
26 |**Joining a group**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**
27 |**Linking an account**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**|(% style="text-align:center" %)**+**
28 )))|(((
29 For each event related to the social network, the following actions can be configured in offers:
31 * Accrual of extra bonus points or deduction of bonus points
32 * Sending a message - SMS, email, push or viber
33 * Counter - to count the number of events
34 * Enabling/disabling mailing
36 Event processing** Linking a social network profile** occurs immediately at the moment of adding a link in the Personal Account.
37 For example, bonus points will be accrued to the customer's account for linking a social network account immediately after completing
38 this action (if such rules are provided for in the offer).
40 To process other events, you need to create a recurring task to collect data for specified groups of social networks.
41 A periodically launched processor checks the latest posts in the social network group associated with the Loyalty Program
42 and collects information about group members, comments, reposts, Likes. Further, in accordance with the settings of the offers,
43 processing of the received information, based on the results of which the specified actions are performed or not.
44 )))
46 (% class="lead" %)
47 Thus, based on events in social networks, you can create [[various offers>>doc:Main.Using.MMP.Marketing.Offers.Offers_creation_examples.Offers_for_customer.Offers_for_customer_activity.Offers_for_activity_in_social_networks.WebHome]]:
49 * Bonus points for linking a social network profile
50 * Bonus points for joining a social network group
51 * Bonus points for reposts/comments/Likes
52 * 5 bonus points for the first Like, 1 bonus point for the next, but no more than 15 per month
53 * Deduction of bonus points in case of leaving a group
54 * Deduction of bonus points in case of deleting a repost
56 (% class="box" %)
57 (((
58 **READ ALSO:**
60 * [[Instructions for configuring the interaction of the Loymax system with social networks>>doc:Main.Installation_and_configuration.Extra_modules.Social_networks_configuration.WebHome]]
61 )))

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