Loymax, 2024

Version 2022.2. List of optimisations

Switch to Apache Kafka in asynchronous processing of transactions and events in the payment system

To improve the performance of the payment system, the logic of working with queues in it has been changed.

  •  It was: all new transactions were sent directly to the database, after which they were processed in the background by a special background service.
  • It became: all new transactions end up in a special distributed streaming platform Kafka.

The platform Kafka allows you to:

  • increase the fault tolerance of the System by distributing data to different nodes;
  • horizontally scale the load;
  • due to the high throughput, absolutely all events passing through it can be processed in real time;
  • thus, do not accumulate queues for transferring funds between accounts.

Optimization of batch operations

It was possible to significantly increase the speed of batch operations due to:

  • changes in the logic of the batch operations themselves;
  • deleting tables from the database that record data on batch operations:
    • only errors are now presented in the records,
    • Unused indexes have been removed.

The table below shows the results obtained during the comparison of batch operations before and after optimization.

Batch operationNumber of processed dataBefore optimizationAfter optimization

Importing card numbers

300,000 card numbers6 hours3 to 11 minutes
Import of customer attributes required for registration300,000 customers30 minutes10 minutes
Import of optional customer attributes300,000 customers6 hours11 minutes
Import passwords300,000 passwords5 hours11 minutes
Customer registration300,000 customers9 hours10 minutes

The speed of batch reading of messages from Rabbit queues has also been optimized.

A new way to store purchases: purchase information in the form of a JSON document

The way of storing purchases has changed. Now, instead of a relational purchase storage model, information about positions, operations and processing results is stored in the form of a JSON document. This made it possible to speed up the insertion of this information and overcome the limit of 200 receipts per second (up to 500 checks).

Note: the new method of storing purchases does not affect the structure of the historical database, which stores purchase data to display the history of transactions in client services or automated control systems.

Improving the performance of offers

To increase the speed of the offers, the following optimizations were carried out:

  • The campaign parameters (filters and actions) have been completely switched to caching, which allowed faster access to them;
  • Internal blocking of offers from the status system has been eliminated, which has allowed to increase the speed of offers with status systems.

Updating indexes

  1. 15 unused indexes have been deleted. This reduced the overall size of the tables, and also allowed a slight increase in the insertion speed.
  2. 6 indexes were optimized, which made it possible to increase the performance of some queries by reducing the load on the database core.

Optimization of methods for obtaining client attributes

To increase the speed of processing requests to obtain information about customer attributes:

  • Optimized tables in the database (by reducing the size of the table by 2 times);
  • Improved filtering, which now occurs strictly by indexes.

Restrictions on the total volume of customers have been lifted

The limit on the total volume of customers of 200 million has been removed from the System.

Regular cleaning of purchase data older than the specified date

To optimize the storage of information in Databases (DB) and for timely cleaning of information, a regular task "Event Cleaning" was done.

When running a regular task, the process of deleting information from the business activity table in the database occurs. This way, the database is automatically cleared of old records (events that have already been completed in the System).

The results obtained during the regular work are presented in the table:

Duration of workDuring one cycle of a regular task with a duration of one hour, information about 1,500,000 events was deleted from the Database. The approximate amount of deleted information is 2.5 GB.
Results of background work of a regular task
  • The CPU load is no more than 40% (when the cash gateway, API and regular tasks work together in the background).
  • The RAM load is within the limits of the norms:
    • before the regular task was running, 5.28 GB was available,
    • while running a regular task of 5 GB.

After the end of the regular task, the memory was restored to its original value.

Impact on the work of your Personal Account and mobile applicationA regular task does not affect the work of your Personal Account and Mobile Application.
Impact on BI dataThe data in BI remains unchanged.
Impact on the Marketing management platform (MMP)
  • CRM > Purchase Management: After completing a regular task, the display of purchases changes (see the example below). Accrued and debited bonuses and applied discounts are not displayed.
  • Test box office: the changes are similar to the section CRM > Purchase Management.
  • Client Card > Client History: the history of accrual and write-off of bonuses does not change. The information about the receipt remains.
  • Accruals and debits: information about customers, the amount and number of transactions becomes unavailable. All that remains is the date and description.

Optimization of purchase information

The database table related to purchases has been optimized:

  1. Information about purchases (for example, the receipt number, purchase ID, check items, etc.) is stored in a compressed form.
  2. The name of the offer is not saved in the table, only its identifier.

This allows you to reduce the amount of data storage.

Version history