Loymax, 2024

Version history

The search for new ideas and the high level of their technical implementation is the main concept of the company’s development

Loymax is constantly improving the product, taking into account market trends and wishes of partners.  

Every six months a new version of the system is released, including new features, improvements to existing functions, and fixes for deficiencies in previous versions. At the same time, existing products are updated free of charge to a new version with functionality from a boxed solution. In the future, it is planned to involve partners in planning the functionality of new releases.

Update procedure for partners

The transfer of new versions to partners occurs in stages:

  1. Testing and debugging the new version on the side of the Loymax company
  2. Deploying temporary staging to test the new version on the partner side. The version of the system installed on the staging is fully functional and can be used for real operations. Testing on the partner side is carried out under the constant supervision of the Loymax company. 
  3. Upgrading the system version on the partner’s side, checking for updates, sending a letter about successful updates


Before the start of the update, all the necessary documentation (instructions, manuals) for working in the new version of the system is prepared. A detailed list of innovations and corrections of the new version is compiled, which is in a mandatory manner passed to the partner for review.


The process of testing a new version of the system on the partner side is accompanied with training webinars.

More information about changes in versions:

Version history