Loymax, 2024


Certificates issued in the System become available for use in the Loyalty Program

Section Money_certificates > Certificates displays all issued in the system Money_certificates. Certificates can be filtered by the following attributes:

The Edit edit.PNG button in the certificate line can edit the current certificate state according to lifecycle. For example, from the state Prepared, the certificate can be transferred to the state Cancelled.

In the Activated state for the certificate you can edit the Date of combustion, as well as put it in the Cancelled state.

Certificate burn date is stamped at certificate activation (sale). Initially, the burn date value is calculated according to the expiration date specified for the given certificate type.

When you view the certificate in detail, you can see the history of its changes.

If in the history of changes there is an item about changing the certificate status to Activated, you can see the purchase that resulted in the activation of the certificate. To do this, click View view_info.PNG. You will then be redirected to view the purchase in which the certificate was purchased (activated).

Version history