Loymax, 2024

Private clubs

Private club is a group of LP Members united by the possibility of getting preferences different from the rules of the general Loyalty Program

For example, if the amount of purchases per year exceeds a certain amount, a LP Member has the opportunity to gain special premium status by joining a private club and then participating in the Loyalty Program on special terms. They will receive exclusive offers which are not available to other LP Members. In this way Members gain a unique status and relevance and their brand loyalty is enhanced through their membership in a special closed community.

To work with private clubs, you need to connect a special plugin.

The functionality of private clubs enables to:
For partners
  • Create and edit private clubs in the Admin section in the Marketing Management Platform (MMP)
  • Create and run offers for each private club with bonus points accrual that can only be deducted within this private club
  • Create promotional content for displaying in the Personal Account and Mobile Application to members of a private club
  • Send invitations to LP Members and unregistered customers to join a private club
  • Accept/reject requests from Members of the LP for joining a private club
  • Remove members from a private club
For members of a private club
  • Get exclusive preferences of a private club that are not included in the general LP
  • Get information about special offers of a private club in the Personal Account and Mobile Application
  • Send applications for joining a private club
  • Accept/reject offers to join a private club

Creation and management of private clubs

Private clubs are created and managed in the Private clubs of the Admin section in the MMP.

This section enables to:

  • Create and edit private club information. The number of private clubs per partner is not limited.
  • Manage the lists of members of each private club (send invitations, accept/reject requests, remove members of the private club).

Read more about using the Private clubs section in the MMP in the Instructions.

Joining a private club

An LP Member must have an opportunity to join a private club in several ways:

  • On own initiative

Only an LP Member can join a private club on his/her own initiative. To join the private club, the Member must send a request to join the desired private club through the section of the Personal Account on the site or Mobile Application.

The request sent by the LP Member will be displayed in the corresponding private club in the Private clubs section in the MMP. The request is considered by the administrator of the private club, who decides on the confirmation or rejection of the request. Upon confirmation of the request of the LP Member, he/she becomes a member of the private club. In case of rejection of the request of the LP Member, the administrator of the private club indicates the reason for the refusal, which is transmitted to the mobile device of the LP Member through the push notification channel.

  • By invitation to join

The administrator of the private club sends an invitation to join the private club through the Private clubs section of the MMP to potential or current LP Members. The invitation text is sent as SMS if the customer does not have the Mobile application installed, or as a push notification if the Mobile Application is installed. The invitation sent in the form of SMS contains links to the Personal Account on the site or Mobile Application. To accept or decline an invitation to join a private club, an LP Member may in the Personal Account on the site or in the Mobile Application.

In the case of accepting an invitation to join a private club, an LP Member immediately becomes a member of the private club.

  • Automatic joining

Automatic joining a private club can be configured, for example, for salary projects. When transferring data about employee cards to the system, a special attribute containing the identifier of a private club can also be transferred. When loading such cards into the system, they will automatically be given the indicator of joining the specified private club. Thus, immediately after registering a card in the system, a new LP Member immediately becomes a member of a private club.

An LP member can be a member of an unlimited number of private clubs. The private clubs that the LP Member is a member of can be viewed on the user’s card in the Users section and in the Call Center.

Exit from private club

  • On own initiative

A member of a private club can leave a private club using the Personal Account on the site or the Mobile Application.

When an LP Member leaves a private club, bonus points of a private club are blocked on his/her account. After leaving the private club, the LP Member is not able to save and spend bonus points of the private club. Also, information about the balance of bonus points of a private club is not displayed in the Personal Account on the site and in the Mobile Application.

  • Removing from private club

The removing LP Member from a private club is initiated by the administrator of the private club through the Private clubs section in the MMP. The administrator of the private club must indicate the reason for the removing the LP Member from the private club. Information on the reason for removing from the private club is sent to the LP Member via the push notification channel.

  • Closure of a private club

The administrator of the private club has the opportunity to close the private club. To do this, in the Private clubs section of the MMP, click the Send to archive button at the private club that you want to close.

When archiving a private club, members of a private club automatically exit this club. Private club bonus points are blocked on the accounts of LP Member, as a result of which they are not able to save and deduct bonus points of the archive private club. Also, in the Personal Account on the site and in the Mobile application, the bonus points of the archive private club are not displayed.

Bonus points of private club

Bonus points of private club are bonus points accrued at cash registers of private clubs according to the rules of a private club. Private club bonus points are awarded only to members of a private club.

Limitations on the use of private club bonus points:

  • Private club bonus points are awarded only at the cash registers of the partner who owns the private club.
  • Private club bonus points can only be spent at the cash register of the partner who owns the private club
  • The LP Member cannot get and spend bonus points of a private club after leaving a private club.

When merging several parental cards, the bonus accounts of these cards are merged into a single account. All cards from the group (parent and additional) can save and deduct bonus points of a private club from a single bonus account.

Bonus points accrual

Private club bonus points can only be awarded to members of a private club.

Private club bonus points can be available to a private club member immediately after accrual, or after a specified activation period (bonus points activation time). Private club bonus points can also be awarded indicating the duration of validity (bonus points lifetime).

Bonus points of private club can be awarded to private club member in several ways:

  • Per purchase

When making a purchase by a member of a private club, bonus points of a private club are accrued to his/her bonus account, the amount of which depends on the marketing conditions of the private club. Private club bonus points are credited to the bonus account immediately after the purchase is completed.

  • When an event occurs

Private club bonus points can be automatically credited to the account of a private club member in the case of a trigger event (for example, installing a mobile application, a certain day, etc.)

  • Manual accrual

Private club bonus points can be manually awarded by the Private Club administrator using the Accrual and deduction section in the MMP. Bonus points of a private club can be accrued both to an individual member of a private club and in bulk. The amount of accrued bonus points is set individually for each member of the private club.

Bonus points deduction

Private club bonus points can be deducted from a member’s account in several ways:

  • At the time of purchasing

Private club bonus points can be deducted from the account of a member of a private club when paying for a purchase at the cash register with bonus points of a private club.

  • Automatic deduction

If bonus points of a private club were accrued indicating the duration of validity, then bonus points will be deducted from the account of a member of a private club automatically at the end of the validation period.

  • Manual deduction

The administrator of the private club has the opportunity to deduct bonus points of the private club in manual mode through the Accrual and deduction section in the MMP. Deductions are possible both from the account of an individual member of a private club, and in bulk. The amount of bonus points of a private club for deduction is indicated individually for each member of a private club.

To connect the functionality of private clubs, a special plugin is to be connected. See description here.

Version history