Loymax, 2024

Stands and software deployment environments

Throughout the implementation and integration process, and later during the operation of the Loyalty System, various test stands are made available to Partner’s employees and Loymax personnel. Access to them depends on the goals of each stand.

Since the System version lmxR7 Partners have been renamed to Companies.


Impl (implementation) is used at the stage of implementation. The Loymax software is successfully installed on the system, alongside all the required configurations and environments. The Loymax and Partner’s employees, tasked with implementing and integrating the Loymax system, are granted access to the Impl stand. Once the implementation and integrated of the Loymax system are completed, the Partner’s employees no longer have access to the Impl stand. Loymax utilizes the Stg stand to conduct testing on future versions, whereas the Partner can obtain access to the Pstg stand.


Prod (production) is the main stand where the System is deployed with all the necessary modules and environments after configuration and debugging at the Impl stand. Loymax implementation department employees are responsible for setting up user accounts for Partner’s employees to access the System. All System settings are manually transferred from the Impl stand to Prod. Then the real clients are uploaded. Processing is working. The stand is launched in pilot mode. If necessary, debugging and additional configuration are done. As a result, Prod works as the main work stand for the Partner. This is what the Partner's employees, Contact Center operators and LP Members interact with in real time.

The Prod stand can be updated only after testing the planned improvements and updates on Stg. Any changes to the settings or incorrect data uploading to Prod can negatively affect the operation of the System. Access to this stand is strictly limited. Loymax technical support staff and Partner's employees have permission to make changes to Prod. Access to the stand is configured according to LDAP protocol.


Staging stand is a copy of Prod that is deployed for Loymax employees. The stand is used for load testing and testing of the System versions before upgrading to Prod. Stg uses data from the latest backup of the System on the prod server in order to maximize the performance and stability of the System. This stand resembles as closely as possible what the end users see.

Backup is a complete copy of the database from the Prod stand. When updating Stg from a System backup, all customer and purchase data is preserved. They are not cleared or anonymized.


Pstg is a paid staging stand. It is a copy of Prod, intended exclusively for Partners's employees. At this stand, the Partner tests their integrations, offers, settings and other System features. Pstg is updated only upon request from the Partner. Partner's employees can use the Pstg environment for testing after the implementation and integration are completed and the Impl environment becomes unavailable. The data used from the last backup of the System is not cleared.

Backup is a complete copy of the database from the Prod stand. When updating Pstg from the System backup, all customer and purchase data is saved. They are not cleared or anonymized.


The Demo stand is used by Loymax employees to demonstrate the capabilities of the Loymax system to potential Partners. It is not used for testing. A limited number of Loymax employees have access to the Demo stand.


Version history