Non-event communication

The main purpose of this type of communication is to attract the attention of the Member and encourage him to take an active part in the Loyalty Program.

This type of communication is not related to events of the Loymax system. There are three main types of non-event communications available in the System:


To create and work with Mailings, you should first configure gateways and connect the appropriate plugins if necessary.

 There are five types of mailing (see table below). When creating a Mailing, the marketer can specify the mailing method, marketing campaign, target audience, and calculate the preliminary cost of the mailing. The mailing list is initiated by the marketer himself when necessary. After launching the Mailing, it is possible to track status of sent messages.

Method of communicationDescription

Sending short messages to phone numbers of LP Members. Messages can only contain text.
Sending messages can be implemented using Devino Telecom, SmsTraffic, StreamTelecom, as well as via SMPP.


Sending messages to LP Members by e-mail. Messages can contain formatted text, pictures, links.
Sending messages is done via the Devino Telecom provider or via SMTP protocol.


Sending push notifications to the smartphones of LP Members who have installed Mobile application LP. Messages can contain only text, only images, or text and images.
Sending messages is done through the messaging platform Microsoft Azure or with Firebase Cloud Messaging and Apple Push Notification, Huawei Mobile Services


Send instant messages via Viber to members registered in this messenger. Messages can contain only text, only images, text and a button to go to a specified URL, or text, images and a button at the same time.
Sending messages is implemented with providers Devino Telecom and SmsTraffic.

Social media

Sending messages to LP Members who have an account in social networks (e.g., VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.). The message can only contain text. The message template must first be moderated in the social network.
Sending messages is implemented with providers Devino Telecom and SMSTraffic.

You can read more about all types of mailings and their creation in the APM section Communications. You can also see instructions for creating a mailing via any of the specified channels:

Offer information

Interaction with LP Members can be carried out using special sections of Personal Account and Mobile Application.

1. Offers

One of the available channels of communication with LP Members is the section Actions in Offers_view and in Mobile application. In the MMP section Targeted content you can create promotional materials for publication in the Personal Account and Mobile App. If Target_audience is not selected when creating promotional materials, information about the promotion will be available to all LP Members. You can adjust the time during which the publication will be displayed using the settings. For example, display information about the campaign a few days before it starts, as well as hide irrelevant offers.

2. Personal offers

Under Personal Promotions Personal Account and Mobile application displays promotional materials created for certain Target audience. Only if the LP Member is in the target audience specified when creating targeted content, information about the offer will be displayed here.For detailed instructions on creating an offer and setting up promotional materials with personalized offers, read here.

3. Personal Products

In Personal products Personal account and Mobile application displays promotional materials created as part of the Favorite_goods_offer.WebHome mechanics implementation. Member can select a limited number of products from the list offered in the section, for which he will receive a given amount of preference when purchasing during the time of offer. The number of items and how the list displayed in the Personal Items section is configured when creating the mechanics. Read here for detailed instructions on creating an offer and setting up promotional materials with personal products.


A special section of Personal account and Mobile application allows the Member to contact the Loyalty Program Technical support.

Thus, with the help of Personal account and Mobile App, a LP c can not only receive information from a LP Partner, but also independently initiate communication with him via feedback.