Loymax, 2025

3. Campaigns

Campaign is a communication chain that describes the rules of interaction between the Smart Communications module and customer profiles. A campaign consists of one trigger and one or more actions.

The Campaign section is available for viewing and editing only for users with the respective permission: The MMP user has the permission to view and edit campaigns in Smart Communications module.

The Campaigns section displays the list of all campaigns.

Overall campain metrics are shown at the top of the section:

  • Number of active campaigns;
  • Total orders — number of receipts associated with the campaign;
  • Total value of orders — amount of receipts associated with the campaign.

The following parameters are displayed for each campaign: 

  • Status (active/not active/suspended);
  • Name;
  • Orders — number of receipts associated with the campaign;
  • Total value of orders — total amount of receipts associated with the campaign;
  • Created at — date of creation;
  • Updated at — date of campaign updating;

By checking the Only active box, the list will show only active campaigns. There is also an option to set the number of campaigns to be dispalyed per page.
To find the needed campaign in the list, use the search bar. You can search by campaign name and by creation date.

Clicking on the campaign name opens a page for campaign viewing and editing.


It is possible to perform the following actions with the campaigns:


Version history