Loymax, 2024

Creation and management of private clubs

Creating, viewing and managing private clubs is available in the Admin section in the MMP

NOTE: This functionality is connected using the plugin.

The main window of the section displays all private clubs created in the system. List search is possible using filters by:

  • the name of the private clubs
  • status (archived and non-archived)
  • visibility (visible and invisible)
  • partners for whom private clubs are created

Available operations:

  • To create a new private club, click the Create button in the upper right corner of the section. Read more below.
  • By clicking the Edit icon button_edit_coupon.png next to the private club, the Private club management window opens, where it is possible to change the information about the private club, view the list of members, process requests, send invitations. Read more below.
  • To send a private club to the archive, click the Send to archive button adv_2.PNG next to it, and to restore from the archive, click the Unarchive icon adv_3.PNG accordingly.

Creating a private club

To create a new private club, click the Create button in the upper right corner of the section.

In the window that appears, specify the following information:

  • Name - заголовок закрытого клуба
  • External ID - unique identifier of private club
  • Description - a brief description of the private club benefits
  • Entry condition  - rules for joining a private club
  • Specify partners within which this private club will operate
  • Put the mark next to Hide in the list of private clubs if you want the private club not to appear in the list of available for entry in your account on the site and in the Mobile Application
  • Add an image (logo) to display in Personal Account on the site and in the Mobile Application

After filling out the necessary data, click Create. In the opened Private club management window, it is possible to change the information about the private club, as well as view the list of members, process requests, send invitations.

Viewing a list of members

To view the list of private club members, go to the Members tab.

The administrator of private clubs can go to the user’s card in the Users section using the Edit icon button_edit_coupon.png.

Using the Exclude iconno.png, the administrator of the private club can exclude the member from the private club.

Viewing requests

The Requests tab displays all requsts received from LP Members wishing to join a private club.

The administrator of private clubs can go to the user’s card in the Users section using the Edit icon button_edit_coupon.png.

Using the Accept iconyes.png , the administrator of the private club can approve the joining of the member the private club, and using the Reject iconno.png refuse to join.

If the request is rejected, the administrator must specify the reason for rejecting the request in the dialog box that appears and click the Reject button.


Mailing invitations

In the Invitations tab, the administrator of a private club can create and view mailings with invitations to join a private club.

To view and edit information about an already created mailing, click the View mailing icon button_browsing.png  next to it.

To create a new mailing, click the Create mailing button in the upper right corner of the section.


In the window that opens, fill out the required fields:

  • List of phone numbers - a list of phone numbers by which invitation messages will be sent. Use the Browse ... button to select a file containing a list of phone numbers. If the file is loaded correctly, a message will appear next to the button stating that the data has been loaded.
  • Push - a block of fields for creating the mailing of push notifications to LP Members who have the Mobile Application installed.
    • Subject - push notification header
    • Text - content of the push notification
    • Image - image file for push notification
  • SMS - a block of fields for creating SMS mailing to LP Members and potential customers who are not yet registered in the system.
    • Gateway - a gateway for sending SMS, configured for a partner within which a private club operates
    • Text (member of Loymax) - message text intended for LP Members
    • Text (non-member of Loymax) - message text for customers who are not yet registered in the system

After filling out all the required fields, click the Save button. To start the mailing, click the Start mailing button. The mailing can be started immediately or delayed by the specified date and time.


API methods for client services

Thanks to special API methods for working with private clubs, you can configure the operation of private clubs in client services. In your Personal account on the website or in the Mobile application The LP Member can:

  • send an application to join a private club;
  • cancel an application to join a private club;
  • accept an invitation to join a private club;
  • to refuse an invitation to join a private club;
  • leave a private club;
  • receive information about the private clubs available, the conditions of entry and his|her status in them (a member of the club, has the right to send an application for membership in the club, has sent an application for membership, is invited to a private club).

Offers for private clubs

Offers with preferences only for members of a private club are configured similarly to other offers based on client attributes.

When joining a private club, a Member of the LP has a new attribute, referring to the private club of which he became a member. In the promotion, you must use the filter General attribute with the indication of the attribute of the desired private club and the value "Yes" — the offer will be triggered only for those Members of the Loyalty Program who are members of the specified private club.

For an example of setting up an offer for a private club, see here.

Version history