Loymax, 2024

Additional features


  • The order of processing filters in offers has been optimized. Thanks to this, the speed of processing requests of POS has increased.
  • The Days filter works correctly when you specify calculation parameters from a customer attribute in it.
  • When viewing an offer in detail in the Balance filter, the balance type is now displayed - balance excluding or taking into account the current cheque.

  • When multiple values were selected in the Status filter, they were displayed incorrectly when viewing an offer in detail. We have fixed this bug. Now the Status filter is displayed correctly when any values are selected.


  • The problem section of the code has been fixed, due to which some requests are processed for too long and a timeout error has occurred at the POS. Now all requests of POS are processed quickly and correctly. 
  • Previously, the counter was mistakenly reset twice when returning an offline purchase. This problem has been solved. Now the counter is reset correctly - once. 
  • If a non-existent coupon number is entered, now there will be no purchase error. The purchase will be made without errors but without coupon preferences. In order for the cashier to receive a notification about an incorrect coupon number, you can configure a separate action to send a message to the cashier's monitor with a special meta-variable.
  • Now, within the same purchase, you can accrue and immediately deduct accrued bonus points. This is important when using the mechanics of gaming chips: if gaming chips are accrued for a purchase, they can be deducted as part of the same purchase and a coupon can be immediately issued to the customer.

Reward accounts and cards

  • The problem related to the inability to conduct operations of POS with an additional reward card. The problem arose in cases where the additional card was linked to the basic card, to which the customer replaced the old card. Now POS operations are conducted without errors with cards of any type.
  • Previously, the balance of reward cards in Wallet and Gpay was not always updated in a timely manner. This problem has been solved. Now the card balance in Wallet and Gpay is updated immediately after its change.
  • Now, when the Plugin for working with digital wallets is connected, the customers will be correctly accrued with bonus points they received before registering in the Loyalty Program. 
  • Balance metavariable now takes into account the invoice that is created for the current purchase. Thus, it is now possible to display the balance of the customer on the cheque of a new customer already during the first purchase with the accrual of bonus points.
  •  Now, when registering a customer in the Loyalty Program, the counter values ​​that the customer has obtained before registration are set for the customer.


  • The problem with opening push notifications, when the mobile application of the Loyalty Program is closed or collapsed on devices, has been solved.
  • In the configuration of incoming SMS plugins from Devino and SmsTraffic, the IsNeedToSubscribe setting has been added. It enables to regulate unsubscription of new customers from mailings. If the setting is enabled, customers during the registration will automatically unsubscribe from all mailings, except for the system ones. If the settings are disabled, customers will receive all mailings.
  • The bug due to which system emails were not displayed in the Communication history has been fixed.
  • You can now add iossound in additional parameters when configuring the gateway for sending push notifications. It allows you to play sound when push notifications are delivered to iOS devices. For Android devices, this setting will be ignored as push notification sound can be enabled in the default Android settings.

Call Center

  • The bug that occurs in the Call Center when specifying the card number with CVC code has been fixed.
  • The verification of the format of the phone number at the beginning of the customer registration has been added.
  • More detailed texts of errors that occur when linking a card in the Call Center have been added. The Agent of the Call Center now immediately understands why it is not possible to link the card.
  • The list of Call Center Agent's actions has been augmented. These actions will be added to the customer application in the open ticket request system (OTRS). Now the application will also display information:
    • about changing the customer's status,
    • about changing the card expiration date,
    • about merging accounts,
    • about installing favorite products for the customer.

Right and Roles

  • Fixed a bug that did not allow MMP users with the rights User has the right to view the types of POS, User has the right to edit the types of POS edit types of POSs.
  • The Security Manager role no longer has the right to manage and view customers.
  • The right User has the right to view customer identifiers divided into two: now the system has separate rights to view and edit identifiers

Recurring tasks

  • Now the launch time of recurring tasks is set correctly in accordance with the time zone of the Loyalty Program Partner.

Client services

  • The bug which did not allow the customer to save the application form if the customer updated the answers only to optional questions has been fixed.
  • The bug that occurs when sending verification codes to customers has been fixed. Now they are always send successfully.
  • Now email messages in the Support service section of the Personal Account are formed correctly
  • Now, if the customer entered the card number for authorization in the Personal Account and clicked the Forgot your password? Button, the customer will be redirected to the page where you need to enter the phone number or email to recover the password.

Gift Certificate

  • Now, when executing one order of certificates, the Execute button will be hidden for others.
  • Added tips to forms for creating and editing certificate types, as well as forms for creating and editing a set of templates.
  • The list of fields has been expanded on the form for editing certificates. Now, when editing a certificate, the following fields are also displayed: Loyalty program, Partner, Issuance format, Currency, Type of use, Order of certificates.
  • Added a separate button to change the status of the gift certificate.

Marketing Management Platform (MMP)

  • The chain is renamed into the rule. In this case, you can edit the names of the offer rules.

  • Files exported from MMP now have different names. The file name will depend on the MMP section from which the data is exported. For example, when exporting a group of products, the file will be named GoodsGroupExport.

Other changes

  • When uploading a product catalog, identical products will not be added to one queue and this will not lead to an error in uploading the catalog.
  • The error that occurred when calculating target audiences, in the selections of which the Status filter was added, has been fixed.

Version history