Loymax, 2025

Segment Builder

The segment builder allows you to build complex segments using data about customers, products, purchases, and events.


General information

Segment can be used for sending email/SMS/push notifications, uploading to CSV. See Segment actions below for a complete list of actions. The segment Builder allows you to segment your customers by the following characteristics:

  • Customer attributes (gender, age, city, etc.);
  • Behavior (bought X items from category Y, used promo code Z, made his/her last order more than N days ago);
  • Tags (buys only promotional items, prefers credit);
  • Metrics and scoring (CLTV, average receipt, RFM score);
  • Communications (participated in campaign, opened mailing, etc.);
  • Events (called to Call Center, requested password recovery, etc.);
  • Website events (visited the website X days ago, viewed product Y, and visited the website section Z);
  • Bonus balances (if loyalty platform integration is enabled);
  • Promo codes (number of promo codes issued, issued a promo code from the group);
  • Polls (participated in poll X, selected option Y in response to question Z).

Creating new segment

To create a new segment, in the main menu select section Customers -> User segments. Click Create segment button.

Description of segment conditions

A segment is defined with a set of conditions (filters). To describe a condition, select the desired attribute and specify its required value. See the example of the requirement "Customer from Paris" to the right.

  • To select the attribute you want, start typing its name in the search box. For example, type "product". Only attributes that contain the entered text will remain in the list:*

    in the name: "Average price of a product in a check", "Product identifier";

    • or in the name of the group: group "Product", attributes "Product identifiers", "Product name", etc.

  • n the next field, set the search conditions:
    • equals,
    • not equal,
    • begins with,
    • does not begin with,
    • contains,
    • does not contain,
    • ends in,
    • does not end in,
    • empty,
    • not empty.
  • In the last field it is necessary to set the value by which the customers will be searched (in the example in the image above, this field contains the value “Paris”).

Actions with segment conditions

The following actions are available when constructing a segment:

  • Add one condition;
  • Add a group of conditions;
  • Copy condition;
  • Delete condition;
  • Clarify condition (available for some conditions only).

There are several ways of clarification. For any clarification other than "In the last", you can set the period of validity:

  • For the last X days;
  • For the absolute period from X to Y;
  • For the relative period from X to Y days ago.

  • In the last. Only customers who paid for their last order using PayPal will be included in the segment.
  • In the first. Only customers who paid for their first order using PayPal will be included in the segment.
  • Not once. Only customers who have never paid for their order using PayPal will be included in the segment.
  • Not less than, Exactly, Not more than. Only customers who have paid using PayPal for at least/exactly/no more than the specified number of orders will be included in the segment. For example, exactly 5 orders.
  • Only such. Only customers who paid for all of their orders using PayPal will be included in the segment.

For any clarification other than "In the last", you can set the period of validity:

  • During all the time;
  • For the last X days;
  • During the absolute period, abs (from X to Y);
  • During the relative period, rel. (from X to Y days ago).
  • Day of the week, abs.
  • Day of the week, rel.
  • Purchase time. 

For example, the payment had the status "Hold" at least 5 times in the last 180 days:


The payment had the status "Hold" at least 5 times between July 1, 2022 and July 1, 2023:

The payment had the status "Hold" at least 5 times between 1 and 100 days ago:

Combining conditions with AND and OR

For complex segments, you can use an unlimited number of filters by combining them by means of conditions and/or. To add a filter, use the Add button.

  • If conditions should be satisfied simultaneously, select AND.

For example, you need to create a segment: "All customers who live in Paris, who have made at least 5 orders.”

Two conditions must be met simultaneously, so you have to use AND.


  • If at least one of the conditions should be satisfied, select OR.

Let’s look at another segment: "All customers whose orders total is more than 3,000, or whose last order was more than 500." At least one of the conditions must be met, so you must put an OR between them.


If comparison is used in the condition (more/less/equal, etc.), then the segment will not include customers whose field is not filled.

For example, consider the condition "Name is not equal to Mary". If a customer's field “First name” is empty, the customer will not be included in the segment.

The Comparison operators are: equal/unequal/more/more or equal/less/less or equal/between/begins with/not begins with/contains/does not contain/ends with/not ends with.

The same logic works for receipts.

To include customers whose field is empty to the segment, you must use the "empty" condition.

For example, you want to see a list of all customers whose name is not Mary or whose name is unknown. The condition will look like this:

The conditions in the segment builder can be swapped. To do this, left-click the icon highlighted in red on the picture below and drag the condition to the desired location.

Actions with segment

You can perform the following actions with the built segment:

  1. Select: display all customers included in the segment (1.png).

  2. Reset: delete all conditions in the Builder (2.png).

  3. Save: save the segment to "My Segments" for later use. To save the segment you must specify its name (3.png).

Smart Communications Module comes with 11 pre-configured segments as examples.

Building a segment can take up to 1 minute. During this time, the loading indicator is displayed.

Viewing customer list

The list displays all customers from specified segment and calculates segment metrics so you can evaluate the selected audience.

Each criterion shows its numerical value and percentage of the total number, or deviation from the average.

 The following actions are available in the customer list (see the image below):

1. Configure number of records per page (1.png).
2. View information on other pages (2.png).
3. Sort records in ascending/descending order by any column (3.png). For example:

  • Display all customers in alphabetical order.
  • Show first those who made the most orders.

4. Filter the list of customers by an additional condition (4.png). For example, to select only customers with the name John, enter "John" in the search field.
5. Perform Actions with segment (5.png).
6. Change set of fields on the screen (6.png).

The results of segment sampling are stored in the cache for about an hour. If during this time new data appeared in the system, it will not immediately become visible in the Builder.

Actions with segment

You can perform the following actions with segment:

The set of available actions depends on the configuration of your account. The set of fields in the Segment builder and their representation are customized individually.

Downloading segment to CSV

To download a customer segment to CSV, you must select the text encoding:

  • Choose file format: UTF-8, Windows, XLS, .XLSX, .ODS, HTML.

  • Select the fields for export. To add a field to the CSV file, you must drag and drop it from the left column to the right column. Field search by name is available. The order of the fields in the CSV file can be changed by dragging and dropping them.

Import of segments into the Loyalty module

Segments are used in campaigns and mailings that are run by the Smart Communications module. All segments can be imported from the Smart Communications module into the Loyalty module. Segments can be used in the Loyalty module in offers, in group accruals/deductions, in promotional materials and mailings conducted by the Loyalty module.

To upload segments to the Loyalty module, you should perform the following actions:

  1. Create a new segment or open a saved segment in the list of user segments.
  2. In the opened Segment Builder, click the Add Audience Button (see the picture on the right).
  3. Create new target audiences. Delete the old ones, if necessary. Read more about target audiences here.
  4. Tick the Transfer to the Loyalty Program checkbox.
  5. Click Save.
After that, the transferred segments will be displayed in the CRM > Target Audiences section.

Version history