Loymax, 2025

3.3. Actions

Action is an activity that the Smart Communications module should perform with respect to the Customer Profile that was included in the campaign (e.g. send an email, wait, apply a filter, tag, etc.).

As the action input, the campaign receives an array of customer profiles. As the action output, the campaign receives an array of customer profiles for which the action was performed.

Creating an action

To create a new action in a chain, perform the following steps:

  • drag an action from the left-side menu to the edit field;
  • or click on the action, and then click on the edit field:

Connect the action with the previous element of the campaign using the left mouse button. The connection line should go from the red point to the blue one, as shown on the image.

To remove the link, right-click on the line.


The action in the campaign can be edited, copied, or deleted. Right-click on the action and select the desired option in the context menu that opens.

To proceed to action editing, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If a campaign has several scenarios for a trigger chain that end with the same action, there is an option to combine several campaign branches into a single action.Combine_actions_en.png

The following actions are available in the Smart Communications module:

Actualize filter Filter.webp

This action is used when the filter (Filter customers) has previously been set in the action chain, and now there is a need to update it. This is done to avoid duplicating the filter description.

Example of filter application:

  • Filter customers. For example, add all customers who placed 1 order.
  • Send an email.
  • Wait for 30 days.
  • Actualize filter (new customers appeared during this time).
  • Send them an email.

There may be other actions between the Filter customers and the Actualize filter actions.

If there are several filters in the chain prior to the Аctualize filter action, only the nearest filter will be updated.

Similar to the Filter customers action, the Actualize filter action allows to split the incoming flow into two scenarios:

  • Red point — positive scenario, i. e. all customers who satisfy the filter conditions will be filtered into this branch of the chain;
  • Black point — negative scenario, i. e. all customers who do not satisfy the filter conditions.

For example, the filter selects everyone to whom an SMS message will be sent. All others (the black point branch) will receive an email.

Then both branches of the chain can be combined again with one common action (if required). 

Use customers from segment Customer_selection.png

The action allows to select customers who are included in a certain preset segment.

The list of preset segments and their settings can be found in the Customers > User segments section.

А/В test A_B_test.png

This action allows to run the А/В testing, i. e. to create different variants for continuing the chain in the campaign. This helps to choose the best variant and further apply only this variant. 


In the field — Distribute the number of customers randomly  randomly specify the number of customers that will be used for A/B testing. These customers will be evenly distributed across all branches. Then the most effective variant will be given preference. For example, if 500 is specified in the field, the first 500 customers will be evenly distributed across all branches, and all subsequent customers will be directed to the winning branch.

In the field — Criteria for selection of the winning options  specify the criterion for selecting the best option. The winning option will be the one with the maximum number of openings/clicks/orders.


The field — Result waiting period, days — allows to make a pause and not immediately take into account the actions of customers. For example, if the field is set to 7 days, openings/clicks/orders will not be taken into account for the first 7 days for calculation of the winning option.

To create branches, add the child actions. It is possible to add 2 or more different variants.

А/В test example:

Add to audience Add_to_audience.png

This action allows to include customers in audience or exclude from audience as part of campaigns.


Select the audience name from the drop-down list or create a new audience in the field below and it will be displayed in the list. 

If you need to transfer the list of customers from the audience to the Loyalty Program, check the correponding box. If integration with the Loyalty Program is configured and it supports transfer of customer lists, the list will be automatically transferred to the Loyalty Program when it is added to the audience.

For example:

  1. An audience with the customer list "Wants to buy iPhone 13" is created.
  2. This list is automatically sent to the Loyalty Prgram.
  3. A rule for customers from this audience can be set up in the Loyalty Program. For example, offer a gift if they buy an iPhone 13.

The option Exclude from audience allows to exclude a customer segment from the audience. Select an adience that should be excluded from the drop-down list. Lists for excluding from audience can also be transferred to the Loyalty Program. 

Assign call Call.png

Allows to schedule a call to customers for a Call Center operator.


Specify a topic of the call (task theme). Prepare a call script for the Call Center operator. The Task script field allows to use the Template Engine patterns

The Assign to employee field allows to assign a call to a specific operator of the Call Center or make the employee selection automatic. 

It is possible to manually select any employee registered in the System (Settings > Users > Employees list).

There are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. If the System is integrated with a Call Center, a task will be automatically created for a Call Center operator.
  2. If there is no integration with the Call Center, the task will be automatically created for the employee in My tasks section.
Assess scores Points.png

This action allows to accrue points/scores to customers for their actions in the System.

For example:

  • Visited the website — 3 points;
  • Made a purchase from the mailing — 5 points;
  • Made a purchase in the store — 20 points.

Points can be both accrued and deducted. For example, if the customer has not purchased anything for three months — deduct 50 points.

Using this action, you can pick the most active customers and build segments using scoring.


  • Visited the website 3 times in a month — award points.
  • Made more than 2 purchases in the last quarter — award points.
  • Opened an email — award points.

In the Amount of scores field, you can specify both a positive number (to accrue points) and a negative number (to deduct points). For example, it is possible to accrue -10 points:

Issue bonus Bonus_points.png

This action allows to accrue bonus points to customers in the Loyalty Program.

This action is available if the module is integrated with the Loyalty Program. Integration can be configured via request to the technical support service.


A set of parameters of the Issue bonus action depends on the capabilities of each specific Loyalty Program platform.

Specify the quanity of bonus points to be accrued, validity period (if the Loyalty Program supports expiration of bonus points), and a legal entity. If required, add the description for bonus points accrual.

If there is a need to accrue bonus points and send notification to customers, create a chain of actions in the campaign: Issue bonus > Wait > Send e-mail. In this case customers will get bonus points first, and then they will receive a message about accrual of bonus points. This will allow to avoid situations when the customer has already received a notification, but his/her bonus account has not been updated yet.

Limit the number of clients Limit_participants.png
The action allows to limit the number of customers for whom subsequent actions in the chain will be performed. This limit is applied to the entire campaign. Once the specified number of customers is reached, the campaign stops.
Limit poll Poll_limitation.png

The action allows to set the maximum number of customers who will be able to participate in a poll previously created in the Polls section.

This action is available only if the polls functionality is enabled. For more details, please refer to the Polls section.


In the Poll field, select a poll for which you want to limit the number of participants. Then select one of the options for setting a limit:

  • Total limit. In this case, the specified number will determine how many customers in total can participate in the poll.
  • Trade object limit. The specified number of customers who can participate in the poll will be set for each trading facility registered in the System.

If there is a need to specify how many customers to ask at a time, check the respective box and specify the number of customers. 

Send SMS SMS.png

The action allows to send a text message to customers.

If the SMS provider support the Viber option, it is possible to send Viber messages or Viber > SMS cascade.
More information about cascades and Viber messages can be found here.

Example of window for sending SMS without Viber option:


Example of window with active Viber option:


You can used macros in the text of the message. 

There is also an option to specify the mailing categry so that to send the message only to interested customers.

Delivery management

By default, SMS messages are delivered to recipients only within the time interval allowed in the module settings, for example from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. If the recipient's location time is outside the allowable interval, the message will wait in the queue for the next day until the allowable delivery interval.

The Deliver immediately checkbox allows to ignore this rule and send the message immediately at the moment when a campaign is triggered, ignoring the time at the location of the message recipient. This functionaly is relevant if the customers are located in several different time zones.

The action of sending SMS messages is performed only for customers who simultaneously have the following:

  • active subscription to the SMS communication channel;
  • the phone number is valid;
  • active subscription to a selected mailing category (if specified). 

Important: any actions in the chain that are child actions to the Send SMS action are performed only for customers to whom the message was sent (ignoring the delivery status). 

Send PUSH Push_icon.png

The action allows to send a push message to customers.


Fill in the required fields:

  • Title for the mailing.
  • Push text. You can use macros from Template Engine in the text of the message. 
  • The Loymax Smart Communications module provides an option of sending In-app notifications. In case of using this option, the window for editing a push notification will contain sections My discounts or Promo type that should be selected. 

Note: to be able to send In-app notifications, the backend of the existing Mobile App should be integrated with the module at the Partner's request. 

  • Fill in the external link or deep-link, if there is a need to re-direct the customer to a different website or page in the Mobile App. 
  • Check the Deliver immediately box, if there is a need to send push notification immediately at the moment of campaign triggering, ignoring time at the location of message recepient.
  • There is an option to select the mailing category so that to send message to the interested customers only. 
  • Specify the message lifetime in hours, days or minutes.

The action for sending push notifications is performed only for customers who simultaneously have the following:

  • active subscription to PUSH channel;
  • push identifier is filled in;
  • active subscription to the selected mailing category (if specified). 

Important: any actions in the chain that are child nodes to the Send push action are performed only for customers to whom the message was sent (ignoring the delivery status). 

Send e-mail Mail.png

The action allows to send an email to customers.

  • Fill in Sender name and Sender e-mail.
  • Specify the return e-mail address, if required. To do this, click the link and type the e-mail address.
  • Fill in the Subject and Mail body. There is an option to use email templates. It is also possible to format the text of the email.
  • If necessary, you can attach files to the text by clicking the Upload button.
  • It is also possible to add the UTM-tag to track online advertising campaigns. If the UTM-tag is set, it will be added to all links in the email. 
  • There is an option to specify a mailing category to send an e-mail only to interested customers.
  • Specify the Message lifetime in hours, days, or minutes.
  • Check the box Deliver immediately, if there is a need to send e-mail immediately at the moment of campaign triggering, ignoring time at the location of message recepient.
  • Once you have filled in all parameters of the e-mail, it is possible send a test message. To do this, click Send test message button. Fill in the name and e-mail adress, and click Send.

The action for sending e-mail is performed only for customers who simultaneously have the following:

  • active subscription to e-mail channel;
  • E-mail address is valid;
  • active subscription to the selected mailing category (if specified). 

Important: any actions in the chain that are child nodes to the Send e-mail actions are performed only for customers to whom the message was sent (ignoring the delivery status). 

Filter customers Customer_filter.png

This action allows to determine for which customers the next action will be performed. For example, you can perform the following action only with those customers who have active SMS and email subscriptions.


The filter allows to split the incoming flow into two scenarios:

  • Red point — positive scenario, i. e. all customers who satisfy the filter conditions will be filtered into this branch of the chain;
  • Black point — negative scenario, i. e. all customers who do not satisfy the filter conditions.

For example, the filter selects everyone to whom an SMS message will be sent. All others (the black point branch) will receive an email.

Then both branches of the chain can be combined again with one common action (if required). 

More information about setting up filtering can be found in the section Creating a new segment.

Wait Wait.png
This action allows to delay the next action. Specify by how many hours/days/minutes you want to delay the next action. 
Wait till specific date Wait_till_date.png

This action allows to delay the next action till a specified date.

The next action in a campaign will be performed on the specified date at 00:00 (according to the time zone set in the section Settings > General settings > Contact details > Time zone).

If the next action in a campaign is sending SMS/push notifications, the messages will be delivered later (at the time specified in the Settings > General settings > SMS > Time interval for SMS delivery).

Сheck mail status Status_check.png

This action is applied after the Send e-mail action. It allows to implement different chains for customers depending on their reaction to the e-mail.


Possible e-mail statuses:

  • Not delivered;
  • Delivered, not opened;
  • Opened, no click;
  • Opened, clicked the link.

Action settings:

  1. Create the Check mail status action.
  2. Create the required number of child actions (descendants).
  3. Edit the Check mail status action and specify the criteria for each variant. The critera are the customers' reaction to the e-mail.

The Wait action is required in a chain between the Send e-mail and Check mail status. This is necessary to maximize the chain efficiency and to give a customer an opportunity to react to the e-mail.


Send an e-mail, wait for 5 days. Then check the e-mail status: 

  • If the e-mail was opened and read, and a customer clicked the link in the e-mail, award bonus points to the customer.
  • If the e-mail was delivered but it was not opened, send an SMS message to the customer.
  • If the e-mail was not delivered, send it once again.

To set up such branching, add 3 child actions to the Check mail status action:

  • Issue bonus points;
  • Send SMS;
  • Send e-mail.

Then edit the Check mail status and specify a criterion for each option:


This is how the campaign chain will look like: 


Note: before sending SMS messages it is necessary to check customers for availability of the communication channel, i. e. a combination of filters should be applied: E-mail is valid and Active SMS subscription.

Report to Manager Manager.png

This action allows to send an email to the company's employee who is using the Smart Communications module. 


Specify the subject and add the text of the mail message. It is possible to use Template Engine patterns in the mail message field.

You can send an e-mail to a specific employee by selecting his name in the drop-down list or make the selection of an employee automatic.

You can manually select any employee registered in the System (Settings > Employees).


Version history